Partly cloudy. High around 90F. Winds NE at 5 to 10 mph..
A clear sky. Low 71F. Winds S at 5 to 10 mph.
Organizations wishing to include an event can send information by fax to 979-265-9052; by email to; by mail to P.O. Box 549, Clute, TX 77531; or drop it off at our office, 720 S. Main St., Clute. To ensure publication, information should be submitted at least three business days before the event.
Alden B. Dow Office Museum Grand Re-Opening: 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. at 101 S. Parking Place, Lake Jackson. Free Admission. Call Deborah Duty 979-297-1570.
Distinguished Alumni and Educator Hall Of Fame: 5 to 7 p.m. come-and-go reception at Angleton ISD CTE Center, 1 Campus Drive, Angleton. Honoring 2022 inductees. Call Hanna Chalmers at 979-864-8040.
Texas State Shoot Showdown championship: 9 a.m. at Brazoria County Fairgrounds, 901 S. Downing Road, Angleton. Cowboy mounted shooting competition featuring target shooting on horseback. Presented by South Texas Gunslingers. Free admission; live music. Call 979-308-9511 or visit
“Steel Magnolias”: 7:30 to 10 p.m. at Dow Arena Theater, 400 College Blvd, Clute. A tight-knit group of Louisiana women gather regularly at Truvy’s beauty salon to bond, dish and offer advice on everything from motherhood to tragedy and loss. Admission $22 adults, $16 students. Call 979-265-7661.
BCFA Kick Off Dinner Auction & Dance: 6:30 p.m. at the Brazoria County Fairgrounds auditorium, 901 S. Downing St., Angleton. Live music, dance and auction. Proceeds benefit Brazoria County Fair Association. Call 979-849-6416 or visit
Marshall High School Alumni Fundraiser registration: Traveling Sept. 16 to Golden Nugget Lake Charles. Leaving Angleton Walmart at 4 p.m., returning at midnight. $40 round trip. Call Betty Hoffman at 979-215-9635.
Lake Jackson Garden Club: 10:30 a.m. at Gulf Coast Bird Observatory, 299 W. Highway 332, Lake Jackson. Program on hummingbirds. Contact Susan Chappell at 979-265-2338 or
Brazoria Library Bash: 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the library, 620 S. Brooks St. Brazoria Community Library Association-sponsored event with kids’ activities, craft vendors, sno-cones, food trucks and silent auction. 979-798-2372.
Saddle Series: 6 p.m. at Victory Church Arena (old Armadillo Ballroom), 37310 FM 521, Brazoria. Also Sept. 17, Oct. 1. Events include figure 8 barrels, cloverleaf barrels, pole bending. Text 979-236-6908 for information.
Farmers Market: 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. at 110 S. Parking Place, Lake Jackson. Locally roasted coffee, homemade food and products, fruits, vegetables and more. Visit
Jones Creek Volunteer Fire Department’s Annual BBQ: 11 a.m. at 220 Peach Point Road, Freeport. $10 plates. Call 979-201-3594.
Teen Button Making: 2 p.m. at Brazoria Library, 620 S. Brooks St. Ages 12-18. Supplies provided. Call 979-415-2590.
Dino-Blocks: 11 1 p.m. at Brazoria Library, 620 S. Brooks St. Call 979-798-2372.
Tween Makers Button Making: 1 p.m. at Lake Jackson Library, 250 Circle Way, Lake Jackson. Ages 8-11. Supplies provided. Space limited. Call 979-415-2590.
Saturday STEM: 11 a.m. at the Angleton Library, 401 E. Cedar St. Call 979-864-1519.
Missionary Benefit Rummage Sale: 8 a.m. to noon at Christ Lutheran Church, 86 Plantation Drive, Lake Jackson. Call 979-297-2013.
Patriot Day: 1:30 p.m. at Doris Williams Civic Center, 333 Highway 332 E., Lake Jackson. Honoring the victims of the 9/11 terror attacks and paying tribute to first responders and military. Contact Mallory Doyle at 979-415-2603 or
Hurricane Carla 61 Years Later: 5:30 p.m. at Brazosport Museum of Natural Science, 400 College Blvd., Clute. Free open to the public presentation on one of the most devastating storms of the 20th century. Call 979-265-7661.
Texas State Shoot Showdown championship: 9:30 a.m. at Brazoria County Fairgrounds, 901 S. Downing Road, Angleton. Cowboy mounted shooting competition featuring target shooting on horseback. Presented by South Texas Gunslingers. Free admission; Cowboy Church service. Call 979-308-9511 or visit
Damon VFD Benefit: 11 a.m. at West of the Brazos Bar and Grill, 23220 Highway 36, Damon. $15 plate. Drive through or dine in. Live music, live and silent auctions, multi-gun raffle. Call Nicky at 713-202-2597 or Tammy at 979-481-0044.
History Talks: 2 to 4 p.m. at Stephen F. Austin-Munson Historical County Park, 41885 Highway 288, Angleton. Free. Discussion of historical events affecting Brazoria County. Contact 979-849-5965 or
“Original Documentary Project” auditions: 7 to 9 p.m. at Freeport LNG Theatre, 400 College Boulevard, Clute. Participants must be at least 14 years of age and commit to bi-weekly meetings. Call 979-265-7661.
“Steel Magnolias”: 2:30 p.m. at Dow Arena Theater, 400 College Blvd, Clute. A tight-knit group of Louisiana women gather regularly at Truvy’s beauty salon to bond, dish and offer advice on everything from motherhood to tragedy and loss. Admission $22 adults, $16 students. Call 979-265-7661.
Friends of the Community Food Pantry distribution: 10 a.m. to noon at 2227 N. Downing St., Angleton. Drive-thru only. Call Helen Patterson at 979-848-0477.
Grandparents Day Dance: 6 to 8 p.m. at Doris Williams Civic Center, 333 Highway 332 E., Lake Jackson. $10 per person. Call 979-415-2600.
STEM For Kids: 4 p.m. at Danbury Library, 1720 Main St. Program: Catapult. Call 979-922-1905.
Page Turner Book Club: 6:30 p.m. at Lake Jackson Library, 250 Circle Way. Discussing “The Invisible Life of Addie Larue” by V.E. Schwab. Call 979-415-2590.
Teens Glow Stick Lanterns: 5 p.m. at West Columbia Library, 518 E. Brazos Ave. Call 979-345-3394.
Senior Citizen Yoga: 8:15 a.m. Mondays through Thursdays at Lake Jackson Civic Center, 333 E. Highway 332. Call 979-415-2600.
Adult Art Class: 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. at Art Gallery, 400 College Blvd., Clute. Open to beginner, intermediate and advanced artists. Tuition for BAL members $60 and $70 for non members. Call 979-265-7661.
“Unusual Sibling: Venus, Earth & Mars” Planetarium Show: 7 p.m. at BASF Planetarium, 400 College Boulevard, Clute. Adults $5 12 and under $3, members free. Call 979-265-7661.
Preschool Story Time: 11 a.m. at Freeport Library, 401 N. Brazosport Blvd. Call 979-233-3622.
“Original Documentary Project” Auditions: 7 to 9 p.m. at Freeport LNG Theatre, 400 College Boulevard, Clute. Participants must be at least 14 years of age and commit to bi-weekly meetings. Call 979-265-7661.
Weekly Watercolor Workshop: 9 a.m. to noon at Art League Studio, 400 College Boulevard, Clute. Monthly tuition: $60 for BAL members, $75 for non-members. Come learn about watercolor landscapes and seascapes from this award-winning artist Robert Ruhmann. Call 979-265-7661.
One on One Tech Help Hour: 11 a.m. at Lake Jackson Library, 250 Circle Way, Lake Jackson. Pre-registration required. Call 979-415-2590.
Fun Timer’s Card Making: 6 to 8 p.m. at the Lake Jackson Civic Center, 333 Highway 332, Lake Jackson. Space is limited. RSVP to 979-415-2600.
Preschool Story Time: 10:30 to 11 a.m. at Lake Jackson Library, 250 Circle Way, Lake Jackson. Call 979-415-2590.
Story Time: 10:30 to 11:30 a.m. at West Columbia Library, 518 E. Brazos Ave. Call 979-345-3394.
Celebrate Recovery: 5:30 p.m. at Cornerstone Church of the Nazarene, 3007 Highway 332 W., Lake Jackson. Christ-centered, 12-step recovery program for anyone struggling with hurt, pain or addiction of any kind. All welcome. Call 979-798-1580 or visit
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